Money Tracker Forums > Hit celebrations > Has someone been cheating?

Thread: Has someone been cheating?

PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by moneyman93 16 years ago (27 Jan 2008)
These seem awfully suspicious...

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by perusalstein 16 years ago (29 Jan 2008)
I've entered quite a few recently and observed the same thing from that user. He or she lacks the patience to wait for a legitimate subsequent entry.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by moneyman93 16 years ago (29 Jan 2008)
In fact, I think most of the most travelled notes are a bit seedy (especially the one that went from Sydney to Perth in 2 or 3 hours.:eek

I've only ever had one note hit. I spent it at Melbourne Airport, so that's how it got so far so quickly, and I'm proud of the achievement.
People cheating just cheapify's Money Tracking. Surely these notes can be removed, for the good of the site.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by gimboid13 16 years ago (1 Feb 2008)
Some of those localities do seem to be coming up in combination fairly often, but that may just be part of a regular exchange between 2 or more legitimate users. I'd be checking the IP addresses of the users involved.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by moneyman93 16 years ago (2 Feb 2008)
If that's the case, I guess it's just as bad. Exchanging notes to get hits is specifically forbidden on Where's George.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by perusalstein 16 years ago (17 Feb 2008)
Only a miniscule percentage of Australia's currency has been entered in this relatively new system, so we can't expect many legitimate hits. So far I've entered 1200 notes without a hit, which doesn't surprise, even though these are a cross-section of the takings from our shop in a popular tourist area. So it seems probable that when multiple hits are achieved from relatively few entries, 'luck' may be having extra help. Money Tracker is something interesting to watch and participate in... I hadn't realised it was also a competition!

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by moneyman93 16 years ago (18 Feb 2008)
Didn't really mean it as that way. It certainly isn't a competition. It's just a shame, because its so fascinating when you see a genuine hit.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by moneyman93 16 years ago (18 Feb 2008)
Oh, and since you raised it, why do you think Where's George get's more hits? 11% of bills on Where's George get hit, yet I've put on 7 or 800 notes with only one hit. I labelled that note, but only cos I knew it was going to get spent at the airport. Could it be that simple; its just about non-Moneytrackers finding your notes? Some people are 100's of k's from the nearest Moneytracker, so that would be the only way to get hits.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by perusalstein 16 years ago (19 Feb 2008)
More participants will yield greater coverage, but keying in currency numbers just to see where they'll reappear isn't the most productive use of time!

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by perusalstein 16 years ago (19 Feb 2008)
I'm sure this one's fair dinkum, aren't you?

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by moneyman93 16 years ago (19 Feb 2008)
What's on the video? Watching it would use a fair whack of my meager internet allowance.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by roorage 16 years ago (2 Mar 2008)
moneyman93 said:
What's on the video? Watching it would use a fair whack of my meager internet allowance.
Wouldn't bother... it's nothing...
And that is definitely a cheater seeing as the same guy has put it in at least a minimum of two times... possibly everytime...

What's the point?

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by moneyman93 16 years ago (3 Mar 2008)
Oh well, at least this one's legit.
The person in Canberra has mentioned on earlier forums that they label their notes; not a bad idea. I'm not sure about the 4th hit, although I guess if it's already been hit twice, I can't see why not again; maybe they spent it at a shop, and the next person thought they would have a look at the site too.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by nicholasbduckman 16 years ago (5 Mar 2008)
That video is some stopmotion by Lad_Vader at . Don't know why its mentioned in that note. Probably a person trying to promote it.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by poundtracker 16 years ago (14 Mar 2008)
lol, i think the one above isTOTALLY ligit!

i think we just need to keep adding and adding and adding until we get a hit, i have only had 1 hit so far AND i think that we should find out how many notes are in circulation and how many notes are enterd and work out as a percentage, how many notes are actually in the moneytracker site, i think the stats would be interesting!

-what do you think?

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by tardis 16 years ago (14 May 2008)
Hi, I have just found this site tonight, thanks to a forum entry elsewhere with the link attached!

I think it would be good to find out the overall hit rate, I agree

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by harchickgirl1 16 years ago (26 May 2008)
gimboid13 said:
Some of those localities do seem to be coming up in combination fairly often, but that may just be part of a regular exchange between 2 or more legitimate users. I'd be checking the IP addresses of the users involved.
I believe that I've entered three banknotes twice. They were innocent re-entries. In fact, I was surprised to see the notes come up a 2nd time.

The reason this happened is that when I gave the notes to my 14yo son for his allowance, he didn't spend them. He put them in his money box, and then returned them to me for deposit into his bank account a month later. Not realising they were the same notes, I entered them into The Money Tracker, put them in my wallet and did a bank transfer into his account from mine. These notes have been returned to circulation fairly.

So keep in mind that the same user could enter the same banknotes legitimately. It happens infrequently, but it's possible.


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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by killertoothbrush 15 years ago (23 Aug 2008)
I just found this site. Looks like it could be a lot of fun. I've entered a few notes already.
I work at Markets a festivals, so in theory could enter a very large amount of money, and get it circulating again quickly. But I don't know how patient I'll be.
I'm also promoting the site. I think it really needs more active users, that's the only way (apart from lots of labeling) that we can start to get regular legit hits.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by gimboid13 15 years ago (25 Aug 2008)
Welcome aboard, toothbrush. Keep up the good work!

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by moneyman93 15 years ago (26 Aug 2008)
And, as a bonus, no one suspects the shopkeeper/ stallholder giving the change labelled the note.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by killertoothbrush 15 years ago (7 Sep 2008)
lol, that's a good point. =P Don't know if i'll be going to the trouble of labeling though. A bit too much work for me.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by harchickgirl1 15 years ago (8 Oct 2008)
A note that I entered is now equal first on the Most Entries list, but it seems a bit suss to me. I love having such success with this note (it's travelled quite far as well), but not if it's not legit.

I wonder if Andrew could check the IP addresses of the users involved.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by moneyman93 15 years ago (9 Oct 2008)
I'd guess the first hit is legit, but after that, who knows...

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by jwmcd 15 years ago (19 Jan 2009)
This tread is why I'm starting to think the whole effort is a bit of a waste
of time.When there is a 'Hit' the users name should be shown on
the Most travelled banknote entry.I see
and uses a similar system to the above idea.
Would not stop all 'Numb Nuts' cheating the system but may stop a few.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by jes 15 years ago (28 Jan 2009)
jwmcd said:
This tread is why I'm starting to think the whole effort is a bit of a waste
of time.When there is a 'Hit' the users name should be shown on
the Most travelled banknote entry.I see
and uses a similar system to the above idea.
Would not stop all 'Numb Nuts' cheating the system but may stop a few.
I think jwmcd's is a good idea. Besides I also use EBT (EuroBillTracker) and it helps a lot

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by harchickgirl1 14 years ago (23 Aug 2009)
10 hits. Yea, right.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by thestreeker 14 years ago (23 Aug 2009)
harchickgirl1 said:
10 hits. Yea, right.
This is our VIRTUAL NOTE check it out in the forum section.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by aegean 14 years ago (1 Sep 2009)
yep, but still it looked pretty obvious lol

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by racharlie 14 years ago (20 Sep 2009)
im actually fantastic ur all so lucky to hav me on this site :

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by aegean 14 years ago (22 Sep 2009)
lol that is good... keep adding notes then

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by ososober 12 years ago (24 Jul 2012)
new user, just put in 9 notes, no hits yet

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by trickymario7654 10 years ago (21 Oct 2013)
Maybe it travilled via airplane

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by valereee 9 years ago (8 Feb 2015)
Where's George gets more hits because it's not illegal to permanently mark money in the US.

moneyman93 said:
Oh, and since you raised it, why do you think Where's George get's more hits? 11% of bills on Where's George get hit, yet I've put on 7 or 800 notes with only one hit. I labelled that note, but only cos I knew it was going to get spent at the airport. Could it be that simple; its just about non-Moneytrackers finding your notes? Some people are 100's of k's from the nearest Moneytracker, so that would be the only way to get hits.

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by mobofroos 9 years ago (9 Mar 2015)
It would be good if the notes that are in Wikipedia could be removed from this site.
I have a genuine interest to see how bank notes circulate through Australia but it is difficult to know which ones are "cheats" and which are legitimately circulating notes

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by badpanda 9 years ago (17 Mar 2015)
I mark all my notes with the moneytrackerwebsite.. So far I got 39 hits and 4 triple hits.
However without marking your notes you will probably need to post thousands of notes before getting a single hit

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PostHas someone been cheating?
Posted by aegean 7 years ago (12 Feb 2017)
tend to agree. I have only had 2 genuine hits over the 8 years I have been here. I think you need to stamp them with something discrete but still be seen. Oh well I will keep entering notes.

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