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Thread: Anything

Posted by jeffiepookiekins 16 years ago (15 Feb 2008)
Somebody had to start something first

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Posted by perusalstein 16 years ago (23 Feb 2008)
Ok class, nobody's leaving this room till whoever started it owns up.

"I didn't do it, Miss"
"Me neither, Miss"
"Or me"
"Or me!"
"Yes he did Miss"
"No I never. He's just tryna get me in trouble"
"Yes he did Miss and he's a big fat liar"
"It's not fair Miss. I hafta go home and help me mum"

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Posted by adamdmasi 16 years ago (7 Mar 2008)
What the hell is this thing?

perusalstein said:
Ok class, nobody's leaving this room till whoever started it owns up.

"I didn't do it, Miss"
"Me neither, Miss"
"Or me"
"Or me!"
"Yes he did Miss"
"No I never. He's just tryna get me in trouble"
"Yes he did Miss and he's a big fat liar"
"It's not fair Miss. I hafta go home and help me mum"

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Posted by adamdmasi 16 years ago (7 Mar 2008)
What the hell is this thing?

perusalstein said:
Ok class, nobody's leaving this room till whoever started it owns up.

"I didn't do it, Miss"
"Me neither, Miss"
"Or me"
"Or me!"
"Yes he did Miss"
"No I never. He's just tryna get me in trouble"
"Yes he did Miss and he's a big fat liar"
"It's not fair Miss. I hafta go home and help me mum"

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Posted by adamdmasi 16 years ago (7 Mar 2008)
What the hell is this thing?

perusalstein said:
Ok class, nobody's leaving this room till whoever started it owns up.

"I didn't do it, Miss"
"Me neither, Miss"
"Or me"
"Or me!"
"Yes he did Miss"
"No I never. He's just tryna get me in trouble"
"Yes he did Miss and he's a big fat liar"
"It's not fair Miss. I hafta go home and help me mum"

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Posted by aegean 15 years ago (5 Aug 2009)

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Posted by enlilninlil 15 years ago (10 Aug 2009)
Ok detention for the rest of your Somalia.

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Posted by ay2016 6 years ago (4 Jun 2018)

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Posted by aegean 1 year ago (23 Jan 2023)
ay2016 said:

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Posted by ay2016 1 year ago (28 Feb 2023)

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