Money Tracker Forums > Hit celebrations > My first hit after 4317 entries

Thread: My first hit after 4317 entries

PostMy first hit after 4317 entries
Posted by mattyfitzh 12 years ago (26 Mar 2012)
Finally after 5 years, I can say that I have had my first hit
I have never, and will never cheat with a sticker ,
so I won't be expecting another hit for another 5 years

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PostMy first hit after 4317 entries
Posted by framemason 12 years ago (31 May 2012)
well done.

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PostMy first hit after 4317 entries
Posted by aegean 12 years ago (28 Jul 2012)
well done

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PostMy first hit after 4317 entries
Posted by bigfellani5 11 years ago (23 Aug 2012)

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PostMy first hit after 4317 entries
Posted by ay2016 7 years ago (25 Oct 2016)

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PostMy first hit after 4317 entries
Posted by aegean 7 years ago (12 Feb 2017)
well done from 4 years ago lol

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