Money Tracker Forums > Hit celebrations > Congratulations Camerong 1000 days and on top

Thread: Congratulations Camerong 1000 days and on top

PostCongratulations Camerong 1000 days and on top
Posted by thestreeker 15 years ago (8 Mar 2009)
Congratulation champ of 1000 days and being the most consistent contributor to the site.

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PostCongratulations Camerong 1000 days and on top
Posted by moneyman93 15 years ago (9 Mar 2009)
Couldn't agree more (and you aren't doing to badly yourself!)
Keep up the good work.

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PostCongratulations Camerong 1000 days and on top
Posted by camerong 15 years ago (8 Jun 2009)
I rarely come to the forums, so I have missed this until now. Thanks to you both for your thanks. I've had no hits on any of my notes (except for one I accidentally entered twice a long time ago), but relative isolation obviously accounts for this. Still, they are out there somewhere. I'm going on holiday for a while, so no new notes from me until August. But, I shall return.

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PostCongratulations Camerong 1000 days and on top
Posted by thestreeker 15 years ago (8 Jun 2009)

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