Money Tracker Forums > On the web > ZGeek Aussie news/community forum

Thread: ZGeek Aussie news/community forum

PostZGeek Aussie news/community forum
Posted by ins0mniac 17 years ago (16 Dec 2006)
If you you're looking for an Aussie website with a great sense of humour and a big online community following you should check out

Been my favourite site for years.

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PostZGeek Aussie news/community forum
Posted by enlilninlil 17 years ago (6 Mar 2007)
Nor, I want webites on coins and banknotes. Thatas all.

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PostZGeek Aussie news/community forum
Posted by dvaey 17 years ago (8 Mar 2007)
If its an aussie site, why doesnt it have a domain?
And why does a traceroute to it, end up in texas?
And what does this have to do with Australian money?

3 strikes and youre out?

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PostZGeek Aussie news/community forum
Posted by poundtracker 17 years ago (10 Mar 2007)
enlilninlil said:
Nor, I want webites on coins and banknotes. Thatas all.
yes i agree, that site has ,like, nothing of n e thing of worth on it

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PostZGeek Aussie news/community forum
Posted by perusalstein 16 years ago (25 Jul 2008)
enlilninlil said:
Nor, I want webites on coins and banknotes. Thatas all.
Yeah, well, I reckon a dead hen lays the longest...

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